Check out this great video
Avi Schiffmann is a member of the panel of judges. This 17-year-old high school student has developed the world's largest coronavirus tracker. In February 2020 he launched the website, called , to date his website has been viewed by more than 600 million people, averaging about 30 million each day. Watch his story on youtube.
Director of Education
The Erindale Academy
Founder High School Student
Undergraduate Student
Yale University
Writing and Speaking Contest consists of a 300-500 word essay or visual artwork and a video.
Each entry to the contest will consist of an essay or piece of visual art produced by a current school student, that looks at the effects of COVID-19 through the lens of a subject like mathematics, art, history, business, and science.
For example, a participant who looks at COVID-19 from a historical viewpoint can make a comparison of the epidemics throughout history and how COVID-19 has changed history. An art lover can create a piece of artwork, write about it, and present his/her ideas about the impacts of COVID-19 on humanity as a whole. A student who is interested in business studies can show his/her thoughts on the consequences of COVID-19 as well as solutions during and after the pandemic to businesses and the entire economy of his/her country and the world. Students interested in sciences can illustrate their thinking of medical solutions to helping prevent the spread of the virus.
Chosen finalists will present their entry to a panel of judges for a chance to win:
1st Place Winner (one): $500 CAD, Certificate of Distinction
2nd Place Winners (five): $200 CAD, Certificate of Distinction
3rd Place Winners (ten): $100 CAD, Certificate of Distinction
Top 25% students: Free Online Leadership Class
The Top 25% of students will be eligible to win a $25,000 scholarship (provided by The Erindale Academy), which can be used over a 4-year period at The Erindale Academy. Transcripts must be submitted. Minimum GPA required.
Top 25% will also receive a Certificate of Distinction with their names posted on this website.
All participants will receive a Certificate of Participation
Are the ideas expressed by the
student unique and original?
How interesting, clear and captivating
is the presentation?
Are the fact presented based on dependable sources of information?
Is there something about the presentation that makes it stand out?
Vocabulary level, clarity, how well it supports the essay or art piece.
Rules regarding plagiarism will be
strictly enforced.
After registration, you will receive your account information.
To Submit your essay or artwork and video.
1,Login to your account, locate Product Submission.
2. You can upload the video here. There is a limit of 10MB for the video. You can compress your video by using the following free online tool:
3. Please make sure your FULL name is on the video and the essay/artwork file.
4. If you want, you can make the video right here on this page. Click on the "camera" icon to make the video and it will be submitted automatically. Don't worry, you can do it again if you don't like what you recorded.
5. Videos should be two to three minutes in length. A maximum of 5 minutes only.
A certificate for a participant from a school or a organization
A certificate for an independent participant
A certificate for participation